We, the Abundant Faith and Life Evangelical Church, declare that we believe in the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Specifically:
We believe that the holy scriptures are fully inspired by God and form the only infallible rule of faith and conduct of the Christian and of the Church.
We believe in one God who manifests in three (03) people: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all things, almighty, infinite, deserving of the highest degree of trust, love, obedience, praise and worship.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, who was born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, he was crucified, he died, he was buried, on the third day he rose from the dead, he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, he will come from there to judge the living and the dead. (Math: 18 / Ephes 4: 9)
We believe in the universal guilt of men towards God. So they all remain under his wrath and judgment. (Rom 5:12 / Rom 3:23 / Heb 9:27)
We believe in the atoning death of Jesus Christ for our sins, and we are sure that everyone who repents and believes in him has eternal life (Jn 3:16).
We believe that true faith is always manifested in works pleasing to God (James 2: 17-18 / Ephes 2: 17).
We believe in the Holy Spirit who convinces men of their sins, brings about new birth in them and transforms them into the image of Jesus Christ (John 16: 8/2 cor 5:17).
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the practice of all its gifts (speaking in tongues, prophecies, healings, words of knowledge etc ...) 2 Cor 12: 1-12. In a nutshell, we believe in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and we encourage our devotees to yearn for spiritual gifts and to exercise them according to the Lord (1 Cor 14: 1 -34 / 1 John 2: 27)
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return from heaven as he ascended (Revelation 1: 7 / Acts 1: 11), and this in order to:
- seek and reward his Church (John 14: 1 - 3/1 Theses 4: 16 - 17) - judge unbelievers by condemning them to the lake of fire (Math 13: 41-42, 49-50 / Rev 21: 8).
We believe :
to the Holy Universal Church, to the communion of Saints, to the remission of sins, to the resurrection of the flesh and to eternal life (1 Cor 12: 13 / colo 1:18)
in the Spiritual unity of all who, being born again, are shadowed by the Church which is the body of Christ (John 17: 20-21 / 1 Cor 12: 12-13)
that the five (05) biblical ministries (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Doctor) are and must exist in the Church in all centuries according to Ephes 4:11.
firmly that God provides for the needs of his children for the glory of his name (Math 6: 33 / Phil 4: 6)
that water baptism and Holy Communion are two (02) institutions ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ (Math 28:19 / Mark 16:16)
to the ministry of women, for there are no longer either men or women according to (Gal 3: 28)
Toumodi, residential area behind the prefecture
E-mail: siege-eefva@gmail.com
Phone: 123-456-7890